quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014


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...E foi atribuída titulo acadêmico de PhD em filosofia em menos de... um més!!!
Foi Mugabe que mandou abater o comandante Tongorara em Moçambique numa emboscada. Para quem entende um pouco inglês, apresento uma carta hiper secreta que circula na presidência do Zimbabwe. E uma bomba atômica politica do momento no Zimbabwe. A carta foi escrita pela vice do Mugabe a dona Mujuru, que esta muito aborrecida em ter sido posta de lado na corrida presidencial.
Below explosive letter is said to have been written by Vice President Joice Mujuru. Mrs Mujuru’s office however denies she is the author of the embarassing letter which as said “exposes” Grace Mugabe spin doctor Oppah Muchinguri. 35years after Guerrila Forces boss, Josiah Tongogara, was killed in an accident on his way to Mozambique with Ms Muchinguri who was in the same car, Zimbabweans have continued to query why she allegedly came out of the ordeal without a single scratch in the same tragedy which instantly killed the freedom fighter.
FULL LETTER: Dear Oppah, Napoleon Bonaparte once said “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”, thats why I kept quiet when you and Grace were busy attacking me at your rallies. As fools Iwas giving you enough rope so that you can hang yourselves. Now that you are in a fix let me respond to some of the accusations you made against me. Isay “you” because im reliably informed that most of the things Grace said about me came from you. Ihave already written to her giving her my piece of mind. You may havê seen the letter after it was leaked and went viral on the social network. Perhaps I should start by telling you that I was shocked that you were so naive to think that you could solve our party problems by hiring Grace to join politics. So you thought since Grace slept (past tense) with the President she somehow acquired some of his presidential powers and that you could use those powers against me? If power could be transmitted through sex, Im sure you would be one of the most powerful women in Zimbabwe yourself since you also used to sleep with Mugabe. You should by now know that there is nothing special about being First Lady or sharing the bed with the head of state. Furthermore when you were telling lies about me you conveniently chose to forget that all of us have skeletons in our closets. But unlike Grace Iwill not use beer-hall language to respond to your accusations. You should both have taken her advice when she said people who live in glass houses should never throw stones at others. How dare you give Grace wrong information about me when you could easily tell the truth? Is it because you are afraid of the truth? Or perhaps you are afraid that ifthe truth is said about you people will know that you were complicit in the death of Cde Tongogara on 26 December 1979?That you are the one who carried out Mugabe’s instruction to hide the letter sent to him by our military intelligence on 22December, a letter that could have convinced him to travel by air and not by road where he was ambushed and murdered on his way fromMozambique. And were you not part of the convoy yet you survived the ambush and later lied about the circumstances of his death? Did you not later tell the commission enquiring about Cde Tongogara’s death that you hid the letter fromhim because he had raped you the night before? And then you want to talk about my corruption when you have such skeletons in your closet? Besides is Grace not the queen of corruption in Zimbabwe? But then birds of afeather always flock together. You have the blood of Cde Tongo on your head and she has that of Peter Pamire who had to die to hide her adultery with him. Grace accuses me of harbouring presidential ambitions as if its a crime to aspire to be president. Iwould rather aspire and work to be the president of Zimbabwe than change men like sanitary pads or pretend to fall in love just so Ican be First Lady. Better still, Iwould never use adefault position like that of First Lady to settle personal scores with perceived enemies, never. More so when Ihave contributed nothing towards getting him into the presidential seat. So tell her to stop attacking me for dreaming bigger than being just apresident’s wife. You must You must also tell her that her accusation of incompetence against me will not stick. Iwork under the instruction of her husband and that as vice president can never do anything that will overshadow myboss. This means by accusing me of being incompetent Grace is telling the world that her husband is incompetent. Furthermore ifthe President is not happy with my performance as vice president its not up to his wife to warn or fire me. But, as Isaid, you have been very naive to think Grace can talk about party business when she is just acard carrying grassroot member of the party. Thats why the Politburo asked you and not Grace for areport about your silly shenanigans. Ithought you were smarter than that Oppah. Evidently Iwas wrong about you. On the issue of diamonds and corruption which you made Grace parrot about, let me educate you abit. When diamonds were discovered in Chiadzwa myhusband, like everyone else in the party also told the President that he wanted ashare. Dont pretend as ifyou dont know how things are done in the party, that one’s share of the cake depends on how much the President is willing to give. My husband got permission fromthe president to formadiamond mining company and to get a concession. So we formed ACR (Pvt) Ltd, the President had Mbada, Grace formed DMC,the army formed Anjin with the Chinese, Chihuri and the police formed Gayaye, Bonyongwe and the CIO formed Kusema and the government formed Marange Resources. All these companies were given permission to mine diamonds in Marange but at that time no one had neither the money nor the expertise to mine diamonds. Others formed partnerships with those who had the necessary resources. Solomon and Ialso failed to get money to start the operation but we got alucky break when we discovered that the area that we had been given to mine was richer than the areas given to others. Our problems started when Grace got wind that the Mujuru area was easier to mine and that it was producing diamonds of better quality. As has become her MO,Grace got the President to ask Solomon to surrender our concession for another one. Myhusband refused and the rest is history. So Grace cannot tell me about corruption when myhusband was fried alive for refusing to surrender our claim. She must not attempt to paint herself in white when everything about her is as black as the darkest night. When you meet Grace please ask her ifshe wants me to tell the people how Isaved her when the President had all but divorced her. Im sure she does not want all the messy details about her failing marriage in the public. Remember to give me her response. If she didnt get my letter be sure to tell her to visit. zimeye
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  • 34 pessoas gostam disto.
  • Titos Celestino nao sera substituta mas sim prostituta
    9 h · Gosto · 4
  • Emerson Cassamo ja Zimbabwe excravidao n acaba?
    9 h · Gosto · 2
  • Aziza Throne How the things are in Africa. JesuuuuVer tradução
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Paulo Rapaz Sera que os Africanos se aperceberam que so devem viverem em monarquias modernas? Os governados permitirao que sejam engolidos pela cula dos maniacos, tipo aquele que daqui da terra sonha o seu grupo mafioso governar 100 anos?
    Tenho medo do futuro que se faz hoje. Pork os macacos no clube da mafia quererao imitar.
    9 h · Gosto · 2
  • José Luis Domingos Só de pensar que já bebi um copo com esta besta me dá arrepios.
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Domingos Biassone Zimbabwean people never change. The time is in hand, open your mouth and be free. keep no silentVer tradução
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Unay Cambuma Hoje e vez de ''cambumar'' a ''frelimo do zimbabwe''. Vou enviar esta esta carta para a cnn, bbc, aljazeera, sky news, etc. E por ter ajudado a frelimo na fraude 'so I'll teach them a lesson'
    9 h · Gosto · 9
  • Domingos Biassone Brother teach them. I am with you in this mind, do not give up.Ver tradução
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Henriques Da Carlota Na boa mano unay mais força eu estou com sigo seu lado direito
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • James Njinji Ya ya ya ya ya Africa my continent I was born here and here I belong until The Lord Jesus Christ come!Ver tradução
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Joaquim Samo This is Africa,thats why we have to change this xit, we are tired to be slavesVer tradução
    9 h · Gosto
  • Joaquim Samo Unay u are the best, do it and lets teach themVer tradução
    9 h · Gosto · 1
  • Francisco Campira Esta ê a realidade dos actuais governos africanos em especial os dos camaradas.A GUERRA está prestes a arrebentar no Zimbabwe se atendermos o facto dos membros do regime estarem a degladiarem-se pelos diamantes. The VC-President is a HARD WOMEN.Não percas mais um único segundo meu irmão Unay Cambuma, Lança o FOGUETE até se possivel para os estraterrestes para que saibam das poucas vergonhas por que passamos.O Padrinho do Mugabe também deveria ser notificado e brindado com esta, a menos que esta notícia o envolva indirectamente.
    8 h · Não gosto · 4
  • Roberto Adalmeida Samo e voce ease? pensava o contrario
    8 h · Gosto
  • Joaquim Samo ao contrário como assim?
    8 h · Gosto
  • Pedro Francisco So acontece com hipocritas ! Pena dos africanos ,em que os seus dirigentes tornam se colonialistas de raca negra ,excepto madiba"NELSON MANDELA" que e' considerado ate entao o unico lider que gonvernou um pais africano ,os demais foram ,sao e serao ,um clube de poder ,gananciosos ,sem piedade com seu povo,amarrado ao poder ,nunca disposto a largar o poder ,com visao maquiavelica do poder ,sendo para eles o poder algo infinito ,
    8 h · Gosto
  • Gabriel Sitoe Sand her to hell telling the truth for everyone, no mercy. 
    has mugabe said before, only death would take him out of the presidence of zimbabwe. That death is near, so near than he imaginate. 
    zimbabwean peaple, take advantage of that to sat your country free of the devil wich still alive.
    Ver tradução
    8 h · Gosto · 1
  • Jemusse Abel do it Unay Cambuma, it show the world that you can, even out of zimbawe.Ver tradução
    7 h · Gosto
  • Lucas Manuel Joaquim Joaquim mano unay eu gostaria q introduzir este texto em portugues
    7 h · Gosto
  • Antonio Bawaze Here in Moza we live the same story. Just sharing the word "camarada" is an benefit. You can kill, you can kidnap, you can steal, you can take someone's propaties by force as longer you express the word "camarada" or you just put the tirshet with a word "frelimo" even the VIP frelimo face; aganst all this you're condemned. Sharing a bed with Predident isn't something. Wherever Gbza goes there is a lady for him prepared by Governor what is that? This year the division of Moza will take place because we are tired.Ver tradução
    6 h · Gosto · 1
  • Mauro Galvao a FRELIMO de la... nao tem Homens pha
    6 h · Gosto
  • Orlando Simao Isso so pode ser Africa mano onde os ditadores querem morrer no poder, eles pensam que Africa e como casa deles
    6 h · Gosto
  • Unay Cambuma Agradeco que alguem traduza o texto...
    4 h · Gosto · 1
  • Helio Filemone Inguane Ainda que traduzam nao vai ter o sabor do ingles... ai abriram a porta dos arquivos secretos. Wena
    4 h · Gosto
  • Antonio Gulube Aqui em Moza nos vivemos a mesma historia. So de compartilhar a palavra "camarada" e um beneficio. Voce pode matar, voce pode raptar, voce pode roubar, apropriar se de bem alheio a forca, desde que voce expressa a palavra "camarada" ou vestires camisete com palavra "frelimo" , mesmo com cara dum VIP da frelimo; contra tudo voce esta esta condenado. Compartilhar cama com presidente nao e algo. Aonde quer que Gbza vai tem uma mulher preparada por governador, oque e isso? Este ano a divisao de Moza tera lugar porque nos estamos cansados. "Citei Antonio Bawaze" numa traducao directa. Desculpem me caso encontrem palavras que nao traduzem fielmente texto original em ingles.
    3 h · Gosto · 1
  • Antonio Alberto Saene mugabe com guebuza nao tem diferença
    3 h · Gosto
  • Arlindo António Chiuiane Nhantumbo A morte suspeita e até hoje não esclarecida de Tongogara,o grande Tongogara.
    O comandante Rex Nhongo teria razão ao supor terem morto o seu chefe(desabafos de 1979).Foi um operacional na frente de Gaza.
    2 h · Gosto · 1
  • Fungai Tique Mugabe e uma pessoa mais complicado do nosso continente africano porque todos os paises qui fazes corrupcao e ele qui ensinam .
    2 h · Gosto
  • Badjai Namdhasse aquele velho caduco devia ser corrido que nem uma barata tonta. aqueles zimbabweanos tambem nao tem tomates sao uns tontos tambem nem parece que foram colonizados por ingleses. pobres enquanto nao sao pobres e pobreza induzida por um individuo louco e gaga, puxas pa
    2 h · Gosto
  • Zacarias Costa Fortuna É uma fase passara, tem uma possessao demoniaca aguda.
    1 h · Gosto
  • Lucas Manuel Joaquim Joaquim Este velho e um louco e ditador de verdade esse deve ser inforcado pq cometeu muitos crimes nao se difere com guebuzinho e eduardo dos santos esses sao piores duqui os colonos mais desta vez mocambique sera dividido centro e norte votaram pera mudanca por favor lider nao pode aceitar ser desarmado pq a frelimo ta doente

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